5 Letter Words with NAI in Them List – Clues for Wordle

Here we will present a complete compilation of 5 letter words with NAI in them to help you out in finding the correct Wordle answer. The compilation will allow you to check every possible option if you are dealing with the letters N, A, and I anywhere in the words.

Every day in the Wordle game, you’ll face a new challenge that tests your puzzle-solving abilities. Each challenge has a special set of 5 letters that you need to figure out. It offers a single puzzle daily giving you the task of finding a mystery word in six attempts

You can utilize this set of potential solutions given in the word list to examine them individually, considering the feedback provided for the puzzle. Each time you make an incorrect entry, it will be counted as an attempt and decrease the total number of attempts available to you.

What are 5 Letter Words with NAI in Them

All the 5 letter words that have NAI in them (at any position) will be given in this post so that you can analyze all sorts of possibilities to reach the correct answer. These three letters are commonly found in many five-letter words in English. So, if you’re playing Wordle puzzles that involve these letters, you might find it challenging. To help you out, we have gathered all the words and provide them here.

List of 5 Letter Words with NAI in Them

Screenshot of 5 Letter Words with NAI in Them

Here is the complete list of 5 letter words with these letters N, A, and I anywhere in them.

  • abrin
  • acing
  • acini
  • actin
  • addin
  • admin
  • afion
  • again
  • aging
  • agrin
  • ahind
  • ahing
  • ahint
  • ainee
  • ainga
  • airns
  • aking
  • algin
  • alien
  • align
  • aline
  • alkin
  • allin
  • aloin
  • amain
  • amine
  • amino
  • amins
  • amnia
  • amnic
  • amnio
  • andic
  • anigh
  • anile
  • anils
  • anima
  • anime
  • animi
  • anion
  • anise
  • antic
  • antis
  • anvil
  • apian
  • aping
  • arnis
  • auxin
  • avian
  • avine
  • avion
  • awing
  • awkin
  • axing
  • axion
  • ayins
  • azine
  • bairn
  • bania
  • basin
  • bavin
  • binal
  • blain
  • brain
  • bunia
  • cabin
  • cains
  • cairn
  • canid
  • canti
  • chain
  • china
  • cnida
  • conia
  • daine
  • daint
  • danio
  • diana
  • diane
  • dinar
  • dinna
  • divan
  • divna
  • diwan
  • drain
  • eatin
  • elain
  • eniac
  • entia
  • fagin
  • faine
  • fains
  • faint
  • final
  • finca
  • fitna
  • gains
  • gamin
  • garni
  • giant
  • ginga
  • gnapi
  • gonia
  • grain
  • hains
  • haint
  • handi
  • hangi
  • hiant
  • hinau
  • idant
  • ikans
  • inane
  • inapt
  • inarm
  • incas
  • india
  • infra
  • ingan
  • inlay
  • intra
  • inula
  • invar
  • isnae
  • ixnay
  • kaing
  • kains
  • kanji
  • kiang
  • kinas
  • kinda
  • kisan
  • lakin
  • lanai
  • lapin
  • lawin
  • layin
  • liana
  • liane
  • liang
  • ligan
  • liman
  • linac
  • linga
  • mains
  • mandi
  • mangi
  • mania
  • manic
  • manie
  • manis
  • matin
  • mavin
  • mikan
  • minae
  • minar
  • minas
  • munia
  • nabis
  • nadir
  • naevi
  • naiad
  • naibs
  • naice
  • naids
  • naieo
  • naifs
  • naiks
  • nails
  • naily
  • nains
  • naios
  • naira
  • nairu
  • naive
  • najib
  • nanti
  • naric
  • naris
  • nashi
  • nasis
  • natis
  • nazir
  • nazis
  • nelia
  • ngaio
  • ngapi
  • ngati
  • nicad
  • nidal
  • nigua
  • nikab
  • nikah
  • nikau
  • nilas
  • ninja
  • ninta
  • nioza
  • nipas
  • niqab
  • nital
  • nitta
  • nival
  • nivas
  • nizam
  • noias
  • noria
  • novia
  • nsima
  • nubia
  • oiran
  • pains
  • paint
  • panic
  • panim
  • panir
  • panni
  • patin
  • pavin
  • piani
  • piano
  • pians
  • pinas
  • pinax
  • pinda
  • pinga
  • pinna
  • pinta
  • plain
  • prian
  • quina
  • raine
  • rains
  • rainy
  • ramin
  • rangi
  • ranid
  • ranis
  • rapin
  • ravin
  • rawin
  • riant
  • sabin
  • saine
  • sains
  • saint
  • sarin
  • sasin
  • satin
  • savin
  • signa
  • slain
  • snail
  • spain
  • spina
  • stain
  • swain
  • tains
  • taint
  • takin
  • tamin
  • tangi
  • tania
  • tanti
  • tenia
  • tians
  • tinas
  • tinea
  • titan
  • train
  • tuina
  • twain
  • unagi
  • unais
  • uncia
  • unica
  • viand
  • vinal
  • vinas
  • vinca
  • visna
  • wains
  • wigan
  • winna
  • witan
  • xenia
  • zayin
  • zigan

We hope you will be able to use this list to your advantage and find solutions to many Wordle daily challenges. Hopefully, it will also assist you find the today’s Wordle answer before you run out of tries.

Also check 5 Letter Words with I as Second Letter


In numerous word puzzles requiring you to figure a five-letter word, exploring all conceivable combinations of 5 letter words with NAI in them will lead you to the correct solution many a time. You can check the list whenever you are dealing with these three letters while playing five letter word game.

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