All 5 Letter Words Starting with L List – Wordle Clues & Hints

Today we have accumulated all the 5 letter words starting with L and will provide them here. The word list will help you explore all the possible options when the word you need to guess starts with the letter L. Our aim is to assist you in solving and guessing the Wordle answer correctly.

Wordle has gained immense popularity as a web-based word puzzle game where the objective is to decipher a secret five-letter word. Each player has a limit of six attempts to crack the word and all participants strive to solve the same puzzle in as less attempts as possible.

It is free to play and available in a web-based version. Those who never played it can go to its website and start solving puzzles after reading the rules. A player must be careful when entering the answer to a puzzle as you can lose an attempt for wrong entering the answer in the grid.

What are 5 Letter Words Starting with L

In this post, we are going to present all the 5 letter words that start with the letter L in them so that you can easily check all the possibilities when solving a Wordle puzzle. This list may also contain 5 letter Words that you are looking for in other puzzle-solving games as well.

List of 5 Letter Words Starting with L

Screenshot of 5 Letter Words Starting with L

Here is the complete list of 5 letter words that start with L.

  • laarf
  • laari
  • labda
  • label
  • labia
  • labis
  • labne
  • labor
  • labra
  • laccy
  • laced
  • lacer
  • laces
  • lacet
  • lacey
  • lacis
  • lacka
  • lacks
  • lacky
  • laddu
  • laddy
  • laded
  • ladee
  • laden
  • lader
  • lades
  • ladle
  • ladoo
  • laers
  • laevo
  • lagan
  • lagar
  • lager
  • laggy
  • lahal
  • lahar
  • laich
  • laics
  • laide
  • laids
  • laigh
  • laika
  • laiks
  • laird
  • lairs
  • lairy
  • laith
  • laity
  • laked
  • laker
  • lakes
  • lakhs
  • lakin
  • laksa
  • laldy
  • lalls
  • lamas
  • lambs
  • lamby
  • lamed
  • lamer
  • lames
  • lamia
  • lammy
  • lamps
  • lanai
  • lanas
  • lance
  • lanch
  • lande
  • lands
  • laned
  • lanes
  • lanks
  • lanky
  • lants
  • lapas
  • lapel
  • lapin
  • lapis
  • lapje
  • lappa
  • lappy
  • lapse
  • larch
  • lards
  • lardy
  • laree
  • lares
  • larfs
  • larga
  • large
  • largo
  • laris
  • larks
  • larky
  • larns
  • larnt
  • larum
  • larva
  • lased
  • laser
  • lases
  • lassi
  • lasso
  • lassu
  • lassy
  • lasts
  • latah
  • latch
  • lated
  • laten
  • later
  • latex
  • lathe
  • lathi
  • laths
  • lathy
  • latke
  • latte
  • latus
  • lauan
  • lauch
  • laude
  • lauds
  • laufs
  • laugh
  • laund
  • laura
  • laval
  • lavas
  • laved
  • laver
  • laves
  • lavra
  • lavvy
  • lawed
  • lawer
  • lawin
  • lawks
  • lawns
  • lawny
  • lawsy
  • laxed
  • laxer
  • laxes
  • laxly
  • layby
  • layed
  • layer
  • layin
  • layup
  • lazar
  • lazed
  • lazes
  • lazos
  • lazzi
  • lazzo
  • leach
  • leads
  • leady
  • leafs
  • leafy
  • leaks
  • leaky
  • leams
  • leans
  • leant
  • leany
  • leaps
  • leapt
  • leare
  • learn
  • lears
  • leary
  • lease
  • leash
  • least
  • leats
  • leave
  • leavy
  • leaze
  • leben
  • leccy
  • leche
  • ledes
  • ledge
  • ledgy
  • ledum
  • leear
  • leech
  • leeks
  • leeps
  • leers
  • leery
  • leese
  • leets
  • leeze
  • lefte
  • lefts
  • lefty
  • legal
  • leger
  • leges
  • legge
  • leggo
  • leggy
  • legit
  • legno
  • lehrs
  • lehua
  • leirs
  • leish
  • leman
  • lemed
  • lemel
  • lemes
  • lemma
  • lemme
  • lemon
  • lemur
  • lends
  • lenes
  • lengs
  • lenis
  • lenos
  • lense
  • lenti
  • lento
  • leone
  • lepak
  • leper
  • lepid
  • lepra
  • lepta
  • lered
  • leres
  • lerps
  • lesbo
  • leses
  • lesos
  • lests
  • letch
  • lethe
  • letty
  • letup
  • leuch
  • leuco
  • leuds
  • leugh
  • levas
  • levee
  • level
  • lever
  • leves
  • levin
  • levis
  • lewis
  • lexes
  • lexis
  • lezes
  • lezza
  • lezzo
  • lezzy
  • liana
  • liane
  • liang
  • liard
  • liars
  • liart
  • libel
  • liber
  • libor
  • libra
  • libre
  • libri
  • licet
  • lichi
  • licht
  • licit
  • licks
  • lidar
  • lidos
  • liefs
  • liege
  • liens
  • liers
  • lieus
  • lieve
  • lifer
  • lifes
  • lifey
  • lifts
  • ligan
  • liger
  • ligge
  • light
  • ligne
  • liked
  • liken
  • liker
  • likes
  • likin
  • lilac
  • lills
  • lilos
  • lilts
  • lilty
  • liman
  • limas
  • limax
  • limba
  • limbi
  • limbo
  • limbs
  • limby
  • limed
  • limen
  • limes
  • limey
  • limit
  • limma
  • limns
  • limos
  • limpa
  • limps
  • linac
  • linch
  • linds
  • lindy
  • lined
  • linen
  • liner
  • lines
  • liney
  • linga
  • lingo
  • lings
  • lingy
  • linin
  • links
  • linky
  • linns
  • linny
  • linos
  • lints
  • linty
  • linum
  • linux
  • lions
  • lipas
  • lipes
  • lipid
  • lipin
  • lipos
  • lippy
  • liras
  • lirks
  • lirot
  • lises
  • lisks
  • lisle
  • lisps
  • lists
  • litai
  • litas
  • lited
  • litem
  • liter
  • lites
  • lithe
  • litho
  • liths
  • litie
  • litre
  • lived
  • liven
  • liver
  • lives
  • livid
  • livor
  • livre
  • liwaa
  • liwas
  • llama
  • llano
  • loach
  • loads
  • loafs
  • loams
  • loamy
  • loans
  • loast
  • loath
  • loave
  • lobar
  • lobby
  • lobed
  • lobes
  • lobos
  • lobus
  • local
  • loche
  • lochs
  • lochy
  • locie
  • locis
  • locks
  • locky
  • locos
  • locum
  • locus
  • loden
  • lodes
  • lodge
  • loess
  • lofts
  • lofty
  • logan
  • loges
  • loggy
  • logia
  • logic
  • logie
  • login
  • logoi
  • logon
  • logos
  • lohan
  • loids
  • loins
  • loipe
  • loirs
  • lokes
  • lokey
  • lokum
  • lolas
  • loled
  • lollo
  • lolls
  • lolly
  • lolog
  • lolos
  • lomas
  • lomed
  • lomes
  • loner
  • longa
  • longe
  • longs
  • looby
  • looed
  • looey
  • loofa
  • loofs
  • looie
  • looks
  • looky
  • looms
  • loons
  • loony
  • loops
  • loopy
  • loord
  • loose
  • loots
  • loped
  • loper
  • lopes
  • loppy
  • loral
  • loran
  • lords
  • lordy
  • lorel
  • lores
  • loric
  • loris
  • lorry
  • losed
  • losel
  • losen
  • loser
  • loses
  • lossy
  • lotah
  • lotas
  • lotes
  • lotic
  • lotos
  • lotsa
  • lotta
  • lotte
  • lotto
  • lotus
  • loued
  • lough
  • louie
  • louis
  • louma
  • lound
  • louns
  • loupe
  • loups
  • loure
  • lours
  • loury
  • louse
  • lousy
  • louts
  • lovat
  • loved
  • lovee
  • lover
  • loves
  • lovey
  • lovie
  • lowan
  • lowed
  • lowen
  • lower
  • lowes
  • lowly
  • lownd
  • lowne
  • lowns
  • lowps
  • lowry
  • lowse
  • lowth
  • lowts
  • loxed
  • loxes
  • loyal
  • lozen
  • luach
  • luaus
  • lubed
  • lubes
  • lubra
  • luces
  • lucid
  • lucks
  • lucky
  • lucre
  • ludes
  • ludic
  • ludos
  • luffa
  • luffs
  • luged
  • luger
  • luges
  • lulls
  • lulus
  • lumas
  • lumbi
  • lumen
  • lumme
  • lummy
  • lumps
  • lumpy
  • lunar
  • lunas
  • lunch
  • lunes
  • lunet
  • lunge
  • lungi
  • lungs
  • lunks
  • lunts
  • lupin
  • lupus
  • lurch
  • lured
  • lurer
  • lures
  • lurex
  • lurgi
  • lurgy
  • lurid
  • lurks
  • lurry
  • lurve
  • luser
  • lushy
  • lusks
  • lusts
  • lusty
  • lusus
  • lutea
  • luted
  • luter
  • lutes
  • luvvy
  • luxed
  • luxer
  • luxes
  • lweis
  • lyams
  • lyard
  • lyart
  • lyase
  • lycea
  • lycee
  • lycra
  • lying
  • lymes
  • lymph
  • lynch
  • lynes
  • lyres
  • lyric
  • lysed
  • lyses
  • lysin
  • lysis
  • lysol
  • lyssa
  • lyted
  • lytes
  • lythe
  • lytic
  • lytta

The word list of 5 letter words starting with L is complete now. Hopefully, it will provide the assistance you require to figure out today’s Wordle answer.

Also check 5 Letter Words Ending in I


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