Who is Mahrang Baloch The Balochistan Human Rights Promoter Leading a Long March in Islamabad at Present

Mahrang Baloch is a human rights activist currently marching in Islamabad against the killing of Balochi people. She has actively spearheaded numerous human rights initiatives aimed at combating the unjust practice of enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings by authorities. Get to know who is Mahrang Baloch in detail and get to all about the latest protest.

Currently, there is a march ongoing against the Baloch genocide as the protestors are trying to enter the Islamabad Red Zone. The Islamabad police and security forces restricted the protestors from entering the red zone which caused clashes between them.

The security forces have arrested at least 200 protestors including the Mahrang Baloch. Demonstrators have been rallying throughout the nation for weeks protesting the reported cases of enforced disappearances of men in the Balochistan province.

Who is Mahrang Baloch Biography, Age, Family

Mahrang Baloch is a doctor by profession who actively participates in protests against human rights violations in Balochistan. Dr Mahrang Baloch hails from Quetta Balochistan and her age 31 years. She has over 167k followers on X formerly known as Twitter.

Screenhshot of Who is Mahrang Baloch

Mahrang was born in 1993 into a Baloch Muslim family. She has five sisters and one brother. Her family originally comes from Kalat, Balochistan. She used to live in Quetta before leaving for Karachi due to her mother’s medical issues.

She is well-known as a Baloch human rights activist and the leader of the Baloch Yakjhati Council (BYC), a Baloch political party that works to protect the rights of the Baloch people in Pakistan. In 2009, Mahrang Baloch father was taken away by Pakistan security forces while he was going to the hospital in Karachi.

Later in 2011, they found her dad dead, and it looked like he had been hurt on purpose. Also, In December 2017, her brother was taken away and kept in custody for more than three months. All these human rights violations and the situation in Balochistan made her start protesting and joining the human rights organizations.

She led a group of students who were against the plan to remove the quota system at Bolan Medical College. This system reserves spots for medical students from far-off areas of the province. She protested against the government taking natural resources from Balochistan. Also, she is quite vocal about missing persons and killings of Balochi people.

Mahrang Baloch and Balochistan Women Led Long March Blocked from Entering Islamabad

The Balochi women-led long march has been blocked by Islamabad and security forces from the capital. The city police stopped people from getting to the National Press Club by closing off entry points and important roads like Jinnah Avenue and Srinagar Highway.

Videos shared on social media reveal disorderly scenes where police officers are forcing protesters into police vehicles. Many are shouting and crying, and some are sitting on the ground with visible injuries. More than 200 people including the leader of the protest Mahrang Baloch as per the news.

Dr Mahrang tweeted on X “Among the more than two hundred arrested friends, the whereabouts of our 14 friends remain unknown until now & we are not being informed about them. Meanwhile, our arrested friends are being jailed without appearing in court. We need help from the whole world right now.”

She shared some videos of a long march where Islamabad police are misbehaving trying to stop them from entering the capital. Earlier she also posted protest videos and stated “This Long March is not a demonstration but a mass movement against #BalochGenocide, From Turbat to DG Khan, thousands of Baloch are part of it, and this movement will fight against state barbarism across Balochistan”.

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Well, who is Mahrang Baloch the Balochistan human rights activist currently leading protests in Islamabad should not be a question anymore as we have provided all information related to her and the ongoing long march in this post.  

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